Grant Funded Breathing Apparatus

SCBA’s are the lifeline for Firefighters in harmful atmospheres. Tonight is the inservice for Chelan Fire and Rescues grant awarded SCBA’s. These 49 new airpacks have the latest safety features and a higher capacity of air to allow us longer time inside a burning home to search for possible victims and attack the fire. Entiat and Orondo also received new airpacks in this cooperative grant. This is part of over $2.5 million in federal dollars Chelan Fire and Rescue has worked hard to get to protect our growing community over the last four years saving you the taxpayer money.

Washington State Volunteer Firefighter of the Year

Congratulations – EMT Certified

Hunter Newmiller and Sam Belsky certified as EMT’s

New/used Ladder 71 has arrived and is in service

04-03-2019 Brush Fire

Yesterday (April 4th) at 2:55pm Chelan Fire & Rescue crews were dispatched to a reported brush fire in the area of Chelan Ranch Road and Purtteman Gulch Road.  Arriving crews found a fully engulfed chicken coop threatening adjacent structures with fire that had spread into approximately 2 acres of grass and brush behind the residence on Whitetail Lane.  Chelan Fire & Rescue called for a second alarm with notification to CWICC due to the rapid fire spread that was driven by 10 mph winds.  A third alarm was called when the fire threatened nearby structures and the eastern fire spread had moved towards Union Valley. 

This early season fire was eventually brought under control by Chelan Fire & Rescue with mutual aid assistance from Chelan County Fire District 5 (Manson), Chelan County Fire District 8 (Entiat), Douglas County Fire District 4 (Orondo), US Forestry Service, Department of Natural Resources, and Chelan County Sheriff.  Total size for this fire was estimated at 7.5 acres with the only structure loss being the chicken coop.  Cause of the fire is undetermined at this time.

Chelan Fire & Rescue would like to remind all Fire District residents that the 2019 fire season has started early and we expect a busier than normal fire season due to the low moisture snow pack and the drier than normal grass and shrubs.

Respirator Training – Chelan, Orondo and Entiat

2018 Awards Banquet

Welcome Administrative Assistant Karla Mendoza

I have two boys aged: 11 and 8

We live in Manson.

I love people, and getting to interact with them as much as possible.

I am excited to be a part of CFR7 family. I have very BIG shoes to fill, so please bear with me as I learn all the ins and outs. So, thank you CFR7 for this amazing opportunity, as I promise to do my very best and then some.

Professional Experience:

  • 11 years of Healthcare related office experience


  • Working on AA, Wenatchee Valley College

Outside Interests: 

  • Spending time with her children
  • Volunteer at the school
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Grilling in the fire pit
  • Traveling

Personal Information: 

  • Karla was born in Los Angeles, California
  • Went to Manson Elementary School
  • Graduated from Manson High School

Fire Chief Timothy Lemon Pending Retirement